Target Audience and Language:
The show intertwines the languages of the tale, comedy and science, offering a journey of discovery into the secrets and wonders of the forest. Born as a project for the last years of primary schools and early secondary schools, the show has taken a wider dimension, proving suitable also for younger children, who will be involved in clowning games. The play is popular with a “family” audience which appreciates the acting and the clownerie and also the thematic and scientific narration dedicated to the world of plants.
The play is available in Italian.
Writer’s notes:
When I enter an ancient forest that has had the opportunity to develop according to its rules and rhythms, I am always struck by the presence of trees, majestic and beautiful beings who often have a nobility and strength unknown to us.
We humans show unsympathetic and ignorant arrogance every time we see the forest only as a source of raw materials, as a place for recreation, as something different and separate from us. But ... do we really believe that these beings, the Trees, which have always existed, which colonized the earth well before us and with enormous success, have not developed any communication skills, are not capable of feeling what surrounds them? Do we really believe that they don’t possess their own form of intelligence? Hence, from this reflection comes the desire to narrate the world of trees to the young audiences and to all those who want to hear the wonderful stories of the Trees that Can Dance. (Andrea Brunello)